Thanks to the study Ecommerce in Spain in 2023 of IAB Spain produced by praise we can fully understand the situation of electronic commerce in our country, as well as its variations and trends. We have already been able to know the state of eCommerce penetration, so now we will analyze in depth how they experience the purchasing process online consumers in our country.
Internet is the main information search channel to buy online
Internet continues to consolidate as the main channel for searching for pre-purchase informationsince the 92% of Spanish online consumers report this way, compared to 8% who do so offline. Likewise, of those who seek information online, the 76% they end up formalizing the purchase in this channel (4 points less than in 2022).
On the other hand, those who search online do not do so in a single source. The large marketplaces such as Amazon, AliExpress or Ebay (59%) they stay ahead like main search spaces, being especially popular among men and among people in general from 45 to 74 years old. Besides, 7 out of 10 users that use marketplaces as a source of information, end up bought on those platforms.
Behind these we find search engines like Google or Microsoft Bing (48%). Also widely used by people between 45 and 59 years of age. And in third position are the own websites of online stores (47%)which are used mainly by women and people between the ages of 16 and 24.
The close circle of the buyer becomes their main motivator for buying online
According to the answers given by the surveyed consumers, when seeking advice or recommendations before buying a product online, the majority (75%) acknowledge that the opinion that most influences their purchasing decision is that of their close circle: friends, relatives and acquaintances.
In 2022, this was the second most influential factor, behind the opinion of experts and specialistswhich this year drops to second position with a 74%. The brand’s own website (67%) remains in third place, followed by using search engines (65%) and looking for recommendations online (62%), which also repeat positions.
Main drivers to choose an eCommerce
Regarding the main motivations for choosing to buy in an eCommerce, that shipping costs are not charged is the most important driverbeing pointed out by the 46% of the participants. This reason is especially important for consumers between 45 and 59 years old (53%) and for those between 60 and 74 (56%).
Main drivers that influence consumers when choosing an eCommerce / Source: IAB Spain
Secondly, we meet again with the Ease of making returns and claims (43%)followed by the fact that this eCommerce has the best prices (41%), a fast delivery time (38%) and that it is easy to track the order (34%).
There is consensus: deliveries should be in 3.2 days
For 8 out of 10 consumers online spanish, the waiting time to receive an order must be less than 5 days. Likewise, within this group, 12% want their online purchases to be delivered in a maximum of 24 hours, the same percentage as the previous year. Refering to acceptable average waitthis continues to be the same as in 2022 and 2021: 3.2 days.
On the other hand, more than half of consumers (57%) would be willing to pay more for your order to receive it sooner if you need it urgently. For 42%, paying more to receive their package earlier would be an option on special dates, a percentage that increases in the case of consumers (45%) and people in general from 60 to 74 years old (50%).
18% would agree to pay a higher price to receive their purchase in reduced delivery times if they were exclusive products, 17% if the normal delivery period was too long, 15% if there were limited units of the product and 11 % if it were a new release.
A satisfactory shopping experience is based on: prices, ease of use and delivery times
The Consumer evaluation of their trusted eCommercethat is, those in which they buy regularly, remains stable and presents the same grade as in 2022: a satisfactory 8.2. It should be noted that older buyers (60 to 74 years) raise this score to 8.6.
As for the reasons that cause the purchase to be satisfactoryIn the first place, the prices (55%). Which become especially important for the satisfaction of consumers between 45 and 59 years old (60%) and for those between 60 and 74 (69%).
Secondly, we find that for the 53% of consumers the ease of use of the website in which they make the purchase is very relevant for the process to be satisfactory. Delivery times (45%), discounts and promotions (41%) and quality (41%), would close the top 5.
Reasons for post-sale satisfaction and dissatisfaction / Source: IAB Spain
On the other side of the coin we find that the fact that that a website is not easy to use to make the purchase, it is the main reason for dissatisfaction for him 35% of consumers. This reason is followed by high prices (29%), low product quality (24%) and web design (24%).
71% of shoppers have abandoned their shopping cart at some point
Leaving a cart halfway is a fairly common event, and it is that 7 out of 10 online consumers (71%) have abandoned their shopping cart at some point. This figure increases three points with respect to the previous year (68%).
Likewise, this practice becomes more frequent in the case of women (76%), and in the younger age groups, especially among people between 16 and 24 years of age (84%).
Reasons for abandoning the online shopping cart / Source: IAB Spain
More than half of consumers who left their cart halfway did so to better think about their purchase decision (57%), a percentage that rises to 65% in the case of people between 35 and 44 years of age. The second most prominent reason, and pointed out by the 46%the thing is there were hidden costs (such as shipping costs, VAT, etc.).
Taking distance are the third and fourth main motivations: delivery times were not clear or did not fit well with the consumer (21%) and prices were confusing or unclear (21%).
Photo: Depositphotos
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