They warn that the new trade disputes between the United States and the European Union “could be serious”
The president of the Club of Spanish Exporters and Investors, Antonio Bonet, has called for a moderation of regulatory and fiscal costs so that Spanish companies “continue investing in producing better goods and services and allocating them to foreign markets.”
This was stated in the speech delivered before the Secretary of State for Commerce, Xiana Méndez, during the internationalization awards ceremony, held in Madrid, which this year have distinguished the railway company CAF, the irrigation systems company Raesa and Álvaro Bustamante, former president of Cesce, for his professional career.
The president of the Exporters Club stressed that, despite the current international economic environment, “more complex and uncertain”, Spanish companies have continued to break records this year in international markets.
However, he warned that the base of Spanish exporting companies is still small, although it has grown in recent years: 59,000 regular exporters, with the 1,000 largest concentrating more than 67% of sales abroad.
Antonio Bonet warned of the important challenges and uncertainties that the foreign sector is facing today, citing among them the risk of recession in Europe, which “continues to be the main export market with 67% of foreign sales”. He also referred to the new trade disputes between the United States and the European Union, “which can be serious, and which are motivated by the protectionist plans of President Biden.”
Likewise, he expressed his concern about the evolution of the trade balance of payments deficit, which is also breaking records and could drag down the current account balance of payments, which, “if confirmed, could mean that the foreign sector ceases to be the engine that helps us get out of the crisis, as on other occasions”.
During the act, the Secretary of State for Commerce, Xiana Méndez, in her address, stressed the good data that Spanish exports are reaping this year, and assured that, although the current situation advises being vigilant, this does not mean that we must give up to the ambition of promoting the competitiveness of the Spanish foreign sector by diversifying destination markets and increasing the added value of exports.
Likewise, he indicated that both sustainability and the inclusion of women in the company should be part of the drive for internationalization, as well as a drive for public-private collaboration.