“Hersch: If Ukraine is losing the war, NATO would jump right in.” Fernando Moragon
In the economic gathering that took place during the Wall Street Closing, issues related to the banking crisis were put on the table, due to the collapse that occurred this week of numerous regional banks in the United States and Europe. In this sense, the different scenarios that are glimpsed globally in the sector have also been analysed.
In this sense, Moragón has recounted Hersch’s words: “Ukraine is losing the war, NATO would get fully involved: we would have a direct conflict between the US and Russia.”
The protagonists of the gathering have been:
The international dean of the Sergio Arboleda University, Emiliano García Coso
The professor of International Relations of the CEU San Pablo University, Luis Rodrigo de Castro
The geopolitical expert specializing in Russia, Central Asia and China, Fernando Moragón
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