Adif has awarded Enyse a contract to implement the Banalized Automatic Blocking (BAB), a system that guarantees the distance between trains through signals, in a 150-kilometre stretch of the conventional rail network between Guadalajara and Ariza (Zaragoza), with an investment of 60 million euros and that will reinforce the reliability and circulation capacity.
The section between Guadalajara and Ariza is also included in the connection between Madrid and Soria, where Adif is advancing in the comprehensive renovation between Torralba and the capital of Soria. Additionally, Adif is in the contracting phase for the deployment of this system in the contiguous section, the one between Ariza and Calatayud (39.6 kilometers), with an investment of around 27.3 million.
With these actions, the signaling will be renewed in the 190 kilometers between Guadalajara and Calatayud, a route that is part of the Algeciras (Cádiz)-Zaragoza railway highway, which is articulated in different projects to adapt the route to the type of trains that provide these services.
The system that guarantees the distance between BAB trains allows maximum operability in both directions on double-track lines. Thus, circulation capacity is significantly optimized, especially in the event of incidents on one of the lanes, compared to the system it replaces – the Automatic Double Track Blocking (BAD) – which grants a preferential direction of circulation and restricts the capacity of one way.
The installation of this system entails renewing all the security installations associated with signaling (interlocks, train detection and protection systems, fixed and light signaling and integration into the Centralized Traffic Control Center).
These actions are in addition to those recently contracted to implement this system in other sections of the conventional network, including several of the metric gauge network in the Basque Country and Cantabria, such as Bilbao-Zaramillo on the Bilbao Concordia-Metric gauge line. Aranguren -with an investment of 14 million euros- and those of Torrelavega-Santander (Santander-Oviedo line) and Santander-Nueva Montaña and Maliaño-Astillero (Santander-Bilbao line), which represent an investment of 28.5 million.