The general secretary of UGT, Pepe Álvarez, has clarified this Monday that the union “does not want to remove” benefits “from anyone” but to improve them because he says that “they are low”, while reminding the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, that her statements in which she was in favor of removing unemployment from the unemployed who reject offers, is something reflected in the legislation.
Álvarez has wanted to qualify the words that he pronounced last Thursday in a conference in which he was in favor of withdrawing the unemployment benefit and other public subsidies to unemployed people who reject job offers and have received training for it, for which he has explained that “the big problem” in Spain is that “the employment offices do not work”, he said in an interview on TVE, collected by Europa Press.
In relation to the forceful rejection that Díaz showed after these statements, Álvarez has stressed that the vice president answered “without taking charge of her responsibilities” and has added that these statements that she launched “is not a proposal, it is the legislation.”
“If you do not agree, she has been a minister for three years and a few months as vice president. That the legislation change because that is what Spanish legislation says: that the first offer not to accept a training course is three months, the second, six, and the third you are left without a subsidy ”, she replied.
However, Álvarez has acknowledged that he did not have his “luckiest day” and could “not have given the answer” in view of the controversial reaction he received. “I think that in Spain the subsidies are very low compared to countries of the European Union. I don’t think our problem is that job offers are not accepted. I believe that employment services must be activated ”, she stressed.
“If I had had to give it (the answer) today, I would have said that when I get to that river I will cross that bridge, but not before,” he slipped.
In relation to the Minimum Vital Income, Álvarez recalled that the UGT conveyed its opinion to the Government so that the IMV was not a place of “stay” but a “place of passage”. “People who have that, you have to work with them, you have to guide them.” “I regret that there are those who take advantage of a phrase that I said and if it were now I would not say it”, he has settled.