Much has been made of generative AI tools such as Google’s Bard and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. A large part of these comments are optimistic and highlight the facilities that these tools provide to carry out daily tasks, such as writing emails or planning meetings, as well as their usefulness for carrying out more extensive actions such as writing a book. But have you ever wondered what differences of use and result do they pose Bard and ChatGPT?
Here at Marketing4eCommerce we are also interested in this answer, so we we have proposed to test them and ask them some tasks to evaluate their performance. So let’s go ahead.
first contact
The first thing that catches your eye Bard is the facility to enter the toolYou do not need to register or enter any type of personal data to start using it. Its limitation is that the prompts cannot be written in Spanish, although the answers can be translated with Google’s automatic translator.
On the other hand, To use the ChatGPT tool you need to register with an email in OpenAI, and then log in. Despite the fact that the process is quite simple, the fact of giving personal data can cause discomfort in some people.
Creative text generation
The first task we asked the tools to do was: create a humorous 100 word story in which Elon Musk makes an offer to buy Facebook to Mark Zuckerberg.
Before this request, the story that comes closest to humor is, without a doubt, that of ChatGPT. While it’s true that Bard offered a very well-structured story in which he recreates an SMS conversation between Musk and Zuckerberg, this one turned out to be a bit simple and not overly funny.
Bard’s Story
Elon Musk was sitting in his office, checking Twitter, when he saw a tweet from Mark Zuckerberg.
“Facebook is the most powerful tool for good in the world,” Zuckerberg had written.
Musk snorted, “That’s good,” he muttered to himself.
He closed Twitter and opened his email. She wrote a message to Zuckerberg.
“Dear Mark,” he wrote. “I am writing to you today to make you an offer. I would like to buy Facebook.”
Musk hit send and waited for a response. A few minutes later, his phone vibrated. It was a text from Zuckerberg.
“What are you smoking?” he had written.
Musk laughed. “I’m not smoking anything, I replied. “I’m serious. I would like to buy Facebook”
“Why would Facebook sell you?” Zuckerberg asked.
“Because you’re clearly not doing a good job running it,” Musk said. “Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation and hate. It is destroying our society. I can do better”.
Zuckerberg did not reply. Musk waited a few minutes, then sent another text.
“So what do you say?” he asked. “Would you sell me Facebook?”
Zuckerberg finally responded.
“Did not say. “I’m not selling.”
Musk sighed. “Good,” he said. “But if you change your mind, let me know.”
Musk put his phone away and went back to browsing Twitter. He couldn’t help but think that Zuckerberg is making a mistake. Facebook was a powerful tool, but also a dangerous one. Musk was sure he could do a better job managing it.
History of ChatGPT
For his part, ChatGPT recreated a personal meeting between the two tycoons, which includes funnier and more spontaneous expressions. In addition to this, the tool includes a reference to Musk’s SpaceX company and the trips to the moon that it offers.
Elon Musk ran into Mark Zuckerberg at a technology conference and decided to make him an offer to buy Facebook. “Mark, I’m offering you $100 billion for Facebook,” Musk said with a laugh.
Zuckerberg was surprised by the proposal, but decided to play the humor game. “Only $100 billion, Elon! That’s nothing to me. Couldn’t you make it a little more exciting?”
Musk, undeterred, replied, “Well, I can add a 10-pack of SpaceX rocket launches with the purchase.”
Zuckerberg couldn’t contain his laughter: “Deal done, Elon! Only if you take me to the moon with you.”
The crowd erupted in laughter as Musk and Zuckerberg shook hands, sealing their unconventional deal.
Formal text generation
The next task we entrusted to the AIs was: Write a 100-word auto-reply email explaining that I’ll be out of the office for a few days.
Bard’s email
At this request, Bard’s response had a rather casual tone. In the message it is necessary to fill in some fields to make sense of the email, such as the date on which I will not be in the office, the name and email of the person who will replace me and my name at the end.
In addition to this, Bard does some final recommendations to compose a message of this type correctly.
ChatGPT Email
Meanwhile the answer given by ChatGPT had a rather formal tone, worthy of a bank or a government institution. To complete the message, it is only necessary to place the name of the person who is going to replace you and their email, as well as your name at the end of it.
Despite the fact that I did not indicate a specific date for the time that I would be out of the office, the tool automatically placed in the message that I will be away for a week.
Last News
Now we go with a question: What were the top 10 news stories worldwide during the month of April 2023?
Here we see the first real limitation of ChatGPT, because while Bard offered a full list of important recent newsamong which the continuity of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the congressional elections in the United States, the rise in prices of food and basic services, ChatGPT announces that its knowledge is based on events that occurred until 2021 and that he has no ability to see the future.
Travel planning and shopping
AI tools can also be used to organize travel itineraries and even purchases. In this case, we made two requests: organize a weekend trip to Paris, what to see and where to stay; and I want to buy a suitcase for my trip.
Bard’s answer
To respond to the first request, Bard offers a full itinerary of activities that can be done during the morning, afternoon and night. In addition to this, he gave 5 hotel options to stay and a complete budget of the expenses per person and per day. Finally he also provided some tips to make the most of the trip.
Regarding the request to purchase the suitcase, Bard first identified a number of factors and characteristics to take into account to choose the ideal suitcase and then he gave us what he considered the 3 best carry-on bags of 2023.
Reply from ChatGPT
For its part, ChatGPT’s response left a lot to be desired. For lodging he only suggested renting an Airbnb or checking with the various hotels in the city, but offered no real choice. In addition to this, he did not give us any kind of budget to spend per person or per day.
When asked to buy a travel suitcase, ChatGPT He limited himself to throwing several tips that allow you to choose an ideal suitcase, but unlike Bard it did not offer any branding or purchase options.
Translation of a text
The next task we gave the tools was translate a text from english to spanish. To do this, we use a text from the Google website: «FID was a huge step forward when we introduced it as a Core Web Vital in 2020. It offered developers a new way to measure responsiveness as real users experience it, which has always been an important part of the Web Vitals program. Unlike similar metrics that only approximate page interactivity—like Total Blocking Time (TBT) and Time To Interactive (TTI)—FID directly measures the user experience. Crucially, a page could have slow TBT or TTI and still be perceived as responsive, because of the way real users interact with the page».
Translation of bard
Something that draws a lot of attention is that despite the fact that Bard cannot receive instructions in Spanish, he is capable of translating a text into Spanish. In addition to the requested translation, the tool also gave us some extra explanations about what it translated to better understand the text.
Translation of ChatGPT
For its part, ChatGPT limited itself to making a simple translation, without offering more details about the text used.
Web code generation
The last task we asked the tools for was: generates the web code to create a turquoise button for a call to action on a wordpress website.
In this case, the response given by both are quite similar, although ChatGPT, in addition to the code, generates instructions to program the web page correctly.
Photo: depositphotos
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