"Hersch: If Ukraine is losing the war, NATO would jump right in." Fernando Moragon In the economic gathering that took place during the Wall Street Closing, ...
MADRID, 16 (EUROPA PRESS) El Corte Inglés has advanced the economic proposal for those 590 workers over 59 years of age who will be able to take ...
MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) Nextil's shareholders' meeting has approved by a sufficient majority at its extraordinary general shareholders' meeting the ...
He considers that the average level of labor costs in Spain is still "relatively low" compared to neighboring countries MADRID, 14 (EUROPA PRESS) ...
MADRID, 13 (EUROPA PRESS) The general secretary of UGT, Pepe Álvarez, has clarified this Monday that the union "does not want to remove" benefits "from ...
AIReF will analyze the system's income every 3 years from 2025 to control pension spending in case more measures are needed MADRID, 13 (EUROPA PRESS) ...