Business Ops
Planas recommends that citizens “go to the supermarket across the street” if they do not agree with the prices

MADRID, 20 (EUROPA PRESS) The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has recommended this Monday to families and citizens "go to the ...

Will equities fall in 2023?  There are still options to lose everything gained in the year

Will equities fall in 2023? There are still options to lose everything gained in the year We talked about investments with Javier Alonso Jiménez, Chairman ...

The PP claims “political responsibilities for the bungling that prevents renewing the FEVE trains” in Galicia

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) The Grupo Popular de Galicia has registered a non-legal proposal in the Parliament of Galicia to demand that ...

Asturias expresses its “enormous satisfaction” for European aid to ArcelorMittal

OVIEDO, 17 (EUROPA PRESS) The Government of Asturias has expressed this Friday its "enormous satisfaction" for the approval, by the European Commission, ...

The intricate game of the markets according to Iturralde: “when it is said that the stock market is going to fall, it goes up”

The intricate game of the markets according to Iturralde: "when it is said that the stock market is going to fall, it rises" What is variable income paying ...

CCOO revalidates in union elections as the majority union in the financial sector

MADRID, 15 (EUROPA PRESS) The Union Confederation of Workers Commissions (CCOO) would revalidate its status as the majority union in the financial ...