Opening of the European market | Europe opens green, the CEO of Cellnex resigns and collapses Slight improvement in the opening of European markets. The ...
What happens with 10% less working population? Its consequences go beyond appearances The following graph shows us the behavior of the population, labor ...
The investment disaster in 2022: the "triumph" of commodities is false Morgan Stanley presents a cross asset with a relative performance in 2022. Which marks ...
Mexico passes to the economy of Spain: its GDP is above the Spanish Pay attention to what is happening in different countries with the Gross Domestic Product. ...
China curbs investment in chip industry: a move to compete against the US? It is reported that China is holding back investment in the chip industry and ...
Wall Street Shutdown | Good macro data from the US and the stock market: they are very bad for the FED Don't miss the Wall Street Closing this January 5 by ...