Keys of the day: It is the day of the cap, does Von der Leyen attack the US? Spain: pensions or European funds
MADRID, 3 (EUROPA PRESS) The average price of electricity for regulated rate customers linked to the wholesale market will rise this Sunday by 27.63% ...
A CORUÑA, 2 (EUROPA PRESS) The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has rejected the possible ...
BURGOS, 1 (EUROPA PRESS) The president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi, recalled this Thursday in Burgos ...
It already has the presence of brands such as Lego, L'Oreal Paris, Foreo, Kelme, Hawkers, Ecoalf, Create, among others MADRID, 30 (EUROPA PRESS) ...
MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS) The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, has insisted that the General ...