MACAEL (ALMERIA), 11 (EUROPE PRESS) King Felipe VI has highlighted the "response capacity" of the Marble and Natural Stone industry to "adapt" to the ...
MADRID, 10 (EUROPE PRESS) Renfe has demanded Talgo, supplier of rolling stock and maintainer of the Alvia trains that provide service in Extremadura, to ...
Last minute: Republicans could win the Senate and ruin Biden's last hope Against all odds after the disappointment experienced by the Republicans in the ...
PAMPLONA, 8 (EUROPE PRESS) The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has affirmed that the ...
The Ibex 35 closes very close to 8,000 points waiting for the US Manuel Pinto, XTB analyst, accompanies us on Negocios Televisión, where he has carried out ...
In an amendment to the rule that provides for strengthening the protection of whistleblowers of corruption MADRID, 6 (EUROPE PRESS) The PSOE has ...