MADRID, 2 (EUROPE PRESS) The average price of electricity for regulated rate customers linked to the wholesale market rose 8.2% this Sunday compared to ...
Special closing of Wall Street. The market capitulates. Lose all 3600 points in the midst of chaos. China abstains at the UN The worst monthly drop since ...
Russia and China plan the end of the US dollar through their digital currencies After launching a digital ruble early next year, Russia plans to use the ...
MADRID, 28 (EUROPE PRESS) The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, held a "very cordial" and ...
Madrid seeks to create employment and retain talent. What measures does the Madrid City Council put in place? We have analyzed it from the hand ...
MADRID, 27 (EUROPE PRESS) Indra has closed the short list of independents that it will propose to the extraordinary shareholders' meeting, which will be ...