Business Ops
Gazprom warns it will cut off Europe’s gas supply if price is capped

Gazprom warns that it will cut off gas supplies to Europe if the price is capped Gazprom's CEO, Alexei Miller, has indicated that the cap that Europe wants to ...

Fernando Moragón: “Vladimir Putin does not usually brag, it is not his style” after refusing to see Biden

Fernando Moragón: “Vladimir Putin does not usually brag, it is not his style” after refusing to see Biden In the Rolling Stocks program we have Fernando ...

Russia vetoes for the second time a joint statement from the IMFC, the governing body of the IMF’s policies

MADRID, 14 (EUROPE PRESS) Russia has decided to veto a joint declaration of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the governing body ...

Planas confirms the Government’s opposition to the regulation on vulnerable marine ecosystems

MADRID, 13 (EUROPE PRESS) The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has indicated in the Advisory Council on Fisheries Policy for ...

BBVA raises its sustainable financing objective to 300,000 million euros until 2025

MADRID, 12 (EUROPE PRESS) BBVA has raised its sustainable financing target between 2018 and 2025 to 300,000 million euros, which is 50% more than the ...

Barcelona will turn off the Christmas lights an hour earlier to save energy

It will light them on November 24 at 6:30 p.m. with an act in Nou Barris BARCELONA, 11 (EUROPE PRESS) Barcelona City Council has agreed with the ...