Business Ops
Roubini expects a “long and ugly” recession throughout 2023 that will sink the SP500 up to 40%

Roubini expects a "long and ugly" recession throughout 2023 that will sink the SP500 up to 40% Economist Nouriel Roubini, known as "Doctor Doom" after ...

The presence of women on boards of directors of listed Spanish companies increases

The presence of women on the boards of directors of listed Spanish companies rose three points in 2021, to represent 29.3% of the total, according to the ...

The price of electricity rises 34.6% this Monday, to 261.99 euros/MWh

MADRID, 18 (EUROPE PRESS) The average price of electricity for regulated rate customers linked to the wholesale market rose 34.6% this Monday compared to ...

Sánchez announces that on Tuesday 172 million will be approved for Primary Care and the reduction of VAT on gas

ZARAGOZA, 17 (EUROPE PRESS) The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has announced this Saturday that the Council of Ministers will approve next ...

Indra leads the Ibex with increases of 2.32% after Amber’s bet to reach 9.9% of the capital

MADRID, 16 (EUROPE PRESS) Indra ended this Friday's session at the head of the Ibex 35 with increases of 2.32%, after Amber Capital received ...

Rosneft earns 7,256 million until June, 13.1% more

MADRID, 15 (EUROPE PRESS) The Russian state oil company Rosneft, the country's largest crude oil producer, closed the first half of 2022 with an ...