The provinces of Ourense and Lugo are the most affected, and the compensation is close to 12 million so far this year in agriculture SANTIAGO DE ...
German economy continues to lose momentum, weighed down by weakness in the manufacturing sector MADRID, 23 (EUROPA PRESS) The deterioration of the ...
Half of the companies have raised wages and 56% have made layoffs MADRID, 22 (EUROPA PRESS) Job offers have increased by 25.31% in 2022 compared ...
The Fed is wrong again. The slap to the results and to the pockets is going to be brutal. P.Gil The Fed is going to be wrong. You are already wrong. It ...
"If China and the US do not stabilize their relations, their respective blocs could be affected" In the economic gathering of the Wall Street closing we have ...
"The contradictions of the Fed according to Alvargonzález: Powell's surreal discourse on inflation". V. Alvargonzalez Victor Alvargonzalez, director of ...