Daniel Lacalle: What's behind Trump's tariffs?, Stagnant Spain and the reaction of Europe
In this Money and Markets program, Daniel Lacalle, talks about that we are entering an era of tariffs and commercial war, where the debate on tariffs is full of hypocrisy. He states that many countries have closed their economies to trade with the United States, while it is still considered the only open economy. Among the countries with the highest tariffs and barriers to commerce are India, Russia, Brazil, China and others, which not only apply tariffs, but also have geopolitical positions that polarize relations with the United States.
According to Lacalle, Trump's decision to impose tariffs is not merely protectionist, but a geopolitical strategy, especially with regard to Mexico and Canada, countries with which there is a great contentious about immigration, drugs and traffic of people. If these countries adopt stricter policies on these issues, the problems would be solved rapidly. He also points out that the European Union is responsible for much of the barriers to the importation of American products, using regulatory, fiscal and environmental excuses.
Lacalle criticism The vision that other countries have the right to freely export to the United States while closing their markets to American products, and argues that tariffs are a geopolitical measure to balance the commercial balance and counteract attempts from some countries to undermine the system of American liberal democracy. He concludes that the opportunity of the European Union is to join the United States and reduce protectionist measures, without falling into the trap of seeing tariffs as a simple madness of Trump, but as a geopolitical tool necessary to maintain freedom and balance power In the world.