The board of directors of Duro Felguera has agreed to call the company’s extraordinary meeting for April 12, on first call, and for April 13, on second call. The company’s capital increase is on the agenda, according to the communication sent to the National Securities Market Commission.
The first item on the agenda is that relating to the increase in share capital for an effective amount (nominal plus premium) of 39,837,200 euros, through the issuance and circulation of 52,000,000 new ordinary shares of five euro cents ( 0.05 euros) of face value each, plus an issue premium of 0.7161 euros, therefore, the issue rate is 0.7661 euros per share, charged to monetary contributions and recognition of the right to preferential subscription of the shareholders, in order to repay the loan held by Mota-Engil México, SAPI de CV against the Company.
Subsequently, another increase in the share capital will be discussed, in this case for an effective amount (nominal plus premium) of up to 90,000,000 euros plus, where appropriate, the amount of interest that has accrued up to the date of execution of this capital increase, through the issuance and circulation of up to 117,478,135 new ordinary shares, plus, where appropriate, those necessary for the capitalization of accrued and unpaid interest, of five euro cents (0.05) euros in value face value each, plus an issue premium of 0.7161 euros, therefore, the issue rate is 0.7661 euros per share.
The capital increase will be carried out through credit compensation, in order to capitalize the credit rights derived from the loan contracts signed by the Company for an amount of 90 million euros.
The full capitalization of the loan contract granted by Grupo Promotor de Desarrollo e Infraestructura, SA de CV and the amount of the loan contract signed with Mota-Engil México, SAPI de CV that has not been repaid using the funds obtained in the first capital increase agreement included in the previous point.
The meeting, which will also serve to ratify the appointment as Executive Director of María Jesús Álvarez González, is convened for April 12 at 12:00 p.m. on first call at the Luis Adaro Fairgrounds Conference Center. The second call is the following day, at the same time and in the same place. It will also be held electronically.
Duro Felguera announced on February 21 the incorporation of the Development and Infrastructure Promotion Group (Prodi) and Mota-Engil Mexico as industrial partners of the company in order to ensure the long-term viability and sustainable growth of the Asturian business group.