Google has launched The first Core Update of the year. As in 2024, March has been chosen by the search engine to update its search algorithm, in a process that plans to complete in two weeks.
In a brief statement, the company has limited itself to explaining that «today we launched the main update of March 2025 for the search for Google. It is a periodic update designed to show better relevant and satisfactory content for those who seek in all types of sites. We also continue working to show more creative content through a series of improvements throughout this year. Some have already been implemented; They will be added closer. “
The beginning of a year moved for SEO?
Although the core updates can be both positive and negative for the websites, the SEO community is likely to have received this news … with some stress. 2024 was a very moved and controversial year in this fieldwith up to four central updates that shook the search results:
March was a broader update than usual, modifying its algorithm to improve the quality of search results and decrease spam. On that occasion, Google reported a 45% reduction in non -original or low quality content in the results, in addition to optimizing the detection of useless pages that offer a bad experience to the user and are designed to please search engines without providing real value to people. In the case of August, it was aimed at correcting problems generated in the implementation of passes updates, especially the one developed in March and the Helpful content update in September 2023, and that They caused the complaints of small editors who saw how their websites fell into irrelevance.
November arrived at the worst time for the ecommerce sector, In full high season marked by the discounts of Black Friday and its previous weeks, as well as for Christmas purchases. Finally, the sensation within the sector is that the volatility in the search results was lower than that of other occasions. Finally, Google launched its fourth core update of the year in the middle of December, and At Christmas doors, tensing terribly the final phase of the high sales season. The websites and ecommerce that are affected by this update of the Google algorithm did not have the final balance until December 19.
What is a core update
According to Google itself, «the main updates are Changes we make to improve the general search and follow the rhythm of the changing nature of the web. Although nothing in a main update is specific for a particular site, these updates can produce some notable changes in the performance of the sites ».
Actually, Google makes changes to the way of classifying search results almost every day. Although most do not notice, they help continue to refine their algorithm, seeking to reward those most relevant and more appropriate content to each search performed by users. However, there are occasions, such as this, in which there is a core update, or central update, which is a greater impact at the SEO level.
In the current context, where Searches made with AI They are winning prominence, That impact is amplified and becomes more uncertain. Google continues to adjust its algorithms to prioritize useful and high quality content, which forces SEO experts to focus even more on the creation of original material, well structured and with added value. The proliferation of content generated by artificial intelligence has led Google to reinforce your criteria to evaluate the experience, authority and reliability of sources, Which means that strategies based only on mass volume or automation have a greater risk of losing positioning.
In addition, algorithm updates can change the way in which signals of search intention are interpreted, affecting both the positioning of websites and the way users interact with the results. With the integration of AI models into searches, such as Google's generative search, SEO professionals must adapt to an environment where the prominent fragments, direct answers and contextual semantics have a growing weight. This implies optimizing not only for traditional keywords, but also for more conversational formats and concrete questions than AI models tend to prioritize.
How to face a core update
Google He puts this example To better understand how such an update works: «Imagine that in 2021 you made a list of the 100 best films in history and that in 2024 you want to update it. It is evident that there will be changes in the list. You will want to include new films that in 2021 did not yet exist, but since then they have conquered the public. You may also want to change the position of movies you already had on the list. The list is going to change, and some movie may go down a position, but That doesn't mean it's badbut there are other films that deserve a higher position. “
Although Google states that There is usually nothing you can do after a central update of your algorithm And that these changes focus solely on improving the way in which their system evaluates the content in general, there are still some points that you can review in order to improve your content and of course, improve your Google positioning, beyond this update or the following.
To check if your page and content have the appropriate configuration, Google suggests that you answer the following questions:
Content and quality questions Does information, reports of original reports, research or analysis? Does the content provide a substantial, complete or exhaustive description of the theme that deals with? Does the content interest and non -trivial provide, or is a topic with a useful perspective analyzed? If the content cites other sources, does sufficient value and originality provide or, on the contrary, it is limited to copy or rewrite information included in those sources? Is the title of the content or page useful and descriptive? Are exaggerations or shocking expressions avoid in the title of the content or page? Is it the type of page that you would like to add to your markers, share with a friend or recommend someone? Would you expect to see this content in a magazine, an encyclopedia or a book, although it is simply as a reference? Does the content provide valuable information if compared to other pages that appear in the search results? Does the content have spelling or style errors? Do you notice that time and effort have been dedicated to create the content or, on the contrary, it seems careless or that it has been created in a hurried way? Is the content generated by a large number of editors or distributed by a wide network of sites, so that each specific page or site does not receive too much attention or care? Questions about authority Does the content present information in a reliable way? For example, do you quote the sources clearly, it seems that an expert has produced or information about the author or the place that publishes it is provided, for example through links to a page that tries on them? If someone looks for more information about the site that publishes the content, would you conclude that it is trusted or a recognized authority of the topic that deals? Is the content written by an expert or enthusiast of the subject whose knowledge is demonstrated? Have it been proven that there are no content errors that are easy to verify? Is visitors clearly shown who created the content? Do the pages include a firm, and is shown in the right place? Do the signatures provide additional information about the author or the authors involved, providing data on them and the issues on which they write?
And of course, Google Reserve a site for AI In the “how” that content has been created:
Is the use of automation, including the generation of AI, is it evident for visitors (through notices or other forms)? Do you provide information on how automation or the generation of AI has been used to create content? Do you explain why automation or AI have been useful for producing content?
Beyond asking these questions, Consider other people's honest evaluation on your website and your contentand of course, to carry out an evaluation of the pages that you have published and that have more impact, on what type of searches are these pages with greater impact, and with that you will understand how others that you have published before are evaluated.
Remember that These are general recommendations And that there are no specific actions that you should perform to recover in case you suffer a negative impact after the last central update of the Google algorithm.
Image: Flux Schnell