If we tell you “shopping online”, what do you think? Do not worry that If you thought Amazon we can’t blame you. Today it is the largest reference for buying and selling on the Internet because it has a worldwide presence and offers articles of any kind on its website, so we have decided to tell you a little about the beginnings of what it is today. the largest eCommerce in the world.
Who created Amazon
Jeff Bezos is the creator of Amazonthe founder of blue origin and the owner of The Washington Postbut today we will focus on telling a little about his personal story and how it led him to create the world’s leading eCommerce, which for 1994 it was so lonely a small online book store with a capital of $10,000.
Bezos was born in January 1964 in Albuquerque., New Mexico. During his childhood he spent his summers at the ranch that his maternal grandparents had in Cotulla, Texas, where he learned to take care of cattle, but his pastime was making Calculation and probability gameswas a bright, witty, hipster boypassionate about electrical appliances.
On February 2, 2021, by means of a letter, Bezos announced that he would be leaving his position as CEO of Amazon to focus his attention on Blue Origin, his aerospace firm dedicated to developing rockets that allow commercial space travel at an affordable cost. Something that he managed to do in 2021 by being part of the first suborbital flight without a pilot with a civilian crew. Today he is one of the richest men in the world, with a heritage of 114 billion dollars.
Cadabra: The First Amazon
Remember we mentioned a small online book store? This project was named cadabra and later evolved into what we know today as Amazon. The website purported to make a reference to the word “abracadabra” used in magical matters, but Bezos’s lawyer assured him that it was a reference with an obscure meaning and that when hearing it in phone calls it could be confused with the word “corpse”, for what the creator of eCommerce and his wife, MacKenzie Tuttlethey began a search for new possible names.
Why is Amazon called Amazon?
Bearing in mind that the name Cadabra did not work and that for the time the lists of websites were sorted alphabeticallyBezos decided to think of a term that began with the letter A, so he started looking in a dictionary until he found the ideal name for his project, which at the moment was to create the largest and most successful bookstore in the world.
During his search for a new name, Jeff Bezos came across the word “Amazon”, the name of the largest river on the entire planet. Seeing its meaning, he knew it was the ideal name for his project, so he registered the domain on November 1, 1994, but it was not until July 5, 1995 when Amazon officially replaced Cadabra.
Before choosing his new name, both he and his wife began to explore other possibilities and they registered some domains like Awake.com, Browse.com, Bookmall.com and Relentless.com, which today redirect you to the Amazon page.
What was the first item sold by Amazon
Just as you imagine the first item sold by Amazon (or Cadabra back then) was a book, titled “Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought” by Douglas Hofstadter. he himself was acquired by john wainwrightwho made the purchase on April 3, 1995 for a total of $27.95.
Today there is the wainwright Building, at the South Lake Union Amazon Campus, in honor of the first eCommerce customer and inside there is a report where the details of the first sale made in the web project are told.
Wainwright, who is originally from Australia, is a software engineer who became the company’s first customer outside of the company by purchasing the book that talked about artificial intelligence and the modeling of human cognition. In an interview with Market Watch, he recounted that Bezos asked him to create an account at, by then, Cadabra and order some books.
“He emailed me and said, ‘Create an account and order some books.’ I thought I was going to check out some free books. But they took my credit card and charged it!” John said. The Australian engineer continues to use Amazon today and ensures that the book can still be viewed in your purchase history which he requested in 1995 from a T1 computer link in an office located in Mountain View, California.
Amazon’s evolution
Since its inception, Amazon has proven to be a large-scale evolutionary company. After having started as a project to sell books online, little by little they adapted it to sell products from different categories and today the objective has been to cover all the services that exist. These are all the businesses that have been launched under the name of the Internet giant:
A9.com Amazon Web Services Alexa Internet Zappos.com IMDb.com, Inc. Twitch Interactive Amazon Books Amazon Game Studios Amazon Lab126 Amazon Publishing Amazon Robotics Amazon Studios Audible Body Labs Book Depository Box Office Mojo Digital Photography Review Goodreads Graphiq Ring Inc. Whole Foods Market Woot Diapers.com Amazon Prime Video Sqrrl Double Helix Games Amazon Logistics Amazon Air Amazon Logistic Prague Amazon Europe Core Amazon Czech Republic Services Amazon University Esports Amazon Prime Air Souq.com Amazon Technologies MGM Holdings Which have been the most prominent: Amazon Web Services, Amazon Logistics and Amazon Prime Video
The list of Amazon projects is quite extensive, but there are some that have achieved such success and popularity that they have established themselves as the most important of the company. One of them is Amazon Web Services (AWS)a cloud storage provider that offers its clients computing power and database storage, which allows them to scale their business by leaving all their information available at any time.
Currently, AWS has a presence in 190 countries around the world and in 2023 it will open a new AWS Region in Spain. Millions of companies around the world have chosen to contract their services, some of them being Netflix, Spotify, Pinterest, Foursquare and Wix. This Amazon tool is the one that gives the company the largest source of income and according to data from For Week MBA, by 2021 it managed to generate 62 billion dollars in income and aims to generate 80 billion dollars in revenue by the end of 2022.
On the other hand, we also have Amazon Logistics, a package and shipping management service that is offered to those merchants and companies that offer their products within eCommerce. In essence, companies hire this service, and Amazon takes care of picking, packing, and shipping orders, as well as offering customer service and processing returns.
And the other tool to mention is Amazon Prime Video, a streaming content platform that competes with Netflix and HBO. In it you can find exclusive content such as series, movies, programs and documentaries belonging to the company.
What is Amazon Prime Day
Amazon knows that its users love to buy products at low cost, so they devised Prime Day, an event that is usually held worldwide in which Amazon Prime account users can access discounts and offers.
In 2022 two editions were held, one in July and another in October. Of these, the one carried out from July 12 to 13, 2022 and has become the largest in its history. In a statement issued by Amazon, it is stated that the participants made the purchase of more than 300 million articlesIn fact, it specified that 100,000 items were sold per minute and users managed to save 1.7 billion dollars.
In turn, the company highlighted that Amazon Prime Day 2022 helped small and medium-sized businesses boost their sales, which generated more than 3,000 million dollars.
how much amazon sells
Amazon experienced an increase in its revenue during the first quarter of 2022, with a total of 127.10 billion dollars in sales in said period, of which were $2.87 billion in net income. Despite the fact that the number of sales represented an increase of 15% compared to those registered in 2021, its net income did register a drop of 9.37% compared to the 3,160 million in the third quarter of 2021.
It must be taken into account that When we talk about Amazon’s total sales, we don’t just mean the products within your eCommercebut of the services it offers in its different tools, the fees of the market seller, the advertising fees and the income from its Amazon Web Services software, according to what he exposes.
According to data from Amazon, its main income comes from the online store representing a 42.1% followed by external service providers with 22.6%. Then there is Amazon Web Services with 16.2%, advertising services (7.5%), subscription services (7%), sales in physical stores (3.7%) and others (1%).
Image: Depositphotos
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