Have you ever thought about the peace of mind that having your home or business safe provides you? If you are considering installing a security system, from Prosegur, we will show you how to choose one that best suits the needs of your business or the characteristics of your home.
The first thing you have to know is that the choice of your alarm system will depend a lot on the type of house you have. An apartment is not the same as a single-family home. Nor if it is in a guarded place or not; if it has a security perimeter or lacks it; if it is part of a community of owners or if it is isolated… All these issues must be evaluated by a specialist professional with the necessary training.
Once you have decided to put an alarm at home or in your business, make sure that all the devices to be installed are new and that you are going to use them for the first time. This issue is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance.
The next aspect that should focus your attention is the place where the central is installed. Ideally, it should always remain hidden, so that we do not make possible sabotage easier for attackers. Delving into this matter, it is advisable that your alarm has uninstallation detection panels that emit a signal to the Alarm Receiving Center (CRA) in the event of a sabotage attempt. Equally important is the protection against inhibitors that guarantee that the alarm does not become inactive at any time. Also, if you have two-way communication with the CRA, via GPRS and Ethernet, it will be more difficult for bad guys to sabotage your alarm.
The ability to respond to an incident is also vital when deciding which alarm to install. At Prosegur we have the 30 Second Commitment, with which we guarantee that we get up and running in record time. We only need half a minute to have our assets in action, always so that your security remains intact.
Finally, the installation of a team with security cameras for the interior and/or exterior of your home is an outstanding point in favor of your security. However, make sure that the image quality is HD, so the identification of the assailants will be faster and easier.
Be that as it may, before hiring your alarm, seek advice from the leading security company. At Prosegur we offer you all these services and we have a large and highly qualified team of professionals.
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