Web data is a mass of digital information that belongs to different contents that are related to each other. All this information is stored in the cloud and uploaded to servers that are designed to hold third-party databases that can be accessed. This information is useful when we aim to optimize our website and thus differentiate it from the competition.
To achieve this, there are platforms that are dedicated to collecting data that may be useful to us. One of them is Bright Data, dedicated to recovering crucial public web data that is used by companies to investigate, monitor and analyze data that leads them to make the best decisions in their marketing and marketing strategies.
It is important to note that when talking about the collection of web data, reference is not being made to the search for personal and/or confidential data of users. In general, the search for web data focuses on search engine results, the success of web campaigns, numbers of clicks made by users, number of subscriptions and other data that helps to have a clear idea of what is what draws the attention of Internet users and understand how they navigate the Internet in their day to day to be able to adapt to it. What kind of data can we collect and why does it benefit us?
Market research. The technology allows you to know the opinion of consumers and the trends they like, analyzing data from social networks and reviews in real time. With this you will be able to perfect your catalog and range of products taking into account which have been the most sought after or best sellers in the competition. Competitive and supplier research. It allows you to discover what kind of prices are being set in your sector, with comparative data in real time, which will allow you to have a better pricing strategy. Having a comparison between your sales and those of your competitors will make you improve your offer, it will also allow you to discover new categories and products with which to compete.
Optimize your promotions and marketing campaign strategies to capture more attention in your target audience. This will allow you to save time and resources by automating your daily tasks. Data Scraping. It allows you to analyze different websites to extract quality data, accessible to the public, but difficult to collect manually.
Success stories: Worten and Shopee
Many businesses, both large and small, choose to base their strategies on web data collection. Every day it becomes a common practice within any marketing department to achieve effective results and ensure a positive response from the audience.
Worten is an eCommerce that offers the sale of electronics at the retail level with a wide catalog of articles dedicated to entertainment, telecommunications and other areas.
This company started in the physical store sector and currently has more than 200 offices between Portugal and Spain. Three years ago they decided to start offering their products in the digital world, a step that received the help of the Bright Data platform in order to get to know customers better and give the company a more human touch.
Worten assures that having web data helped them streamline the company’s daily work and streamline strategic decision-making. Today they are one of the leading eCommerce in the area of electronics.
This company, founded in 2015, is mainly dedicated to eCommerce but has physical offices in Southeast Asia and some Latin American countries. This company is dedicated to offering products of all kinds, from fashion items, home decoration products, electronics and much more, so it can be said that it has a wide level of competition.
Shopee uses web data to learn about the market and new trends among consumers. They are collecting information from different public websites to find out what their customers are looking for. This has been something fundamental for them because they are expanding to other countries, so having this information has allowed them to do this quickly.
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