Some time ago we talked about «Collabs», an Instagram initiative whose goal is for users to boost the reach of their posts and create deeper connections with other content creators on the platform.
In this sense, Collabs allows users to collaboratively upload publications in the Feed or in Reels, showing the name of the co-authors of the photo or video at the top of the publication and displaying it in the respective profiles of each one.
Although it is a very useful tool to share the credit of a publication, until now it had the limitation that only two accounts could appear in the publication sharing the authorship of the post. However, Instagram gets rid of this limit by allowing add up to three collaborators on a single post in both Feed and Reels.
Greater reach in audiences and access to insights
Instagram has reported the update through a post from the @creators account, where it highlights that it is possible to use public and private profiles. The post specifies “creating together with friends and other creators just got easier. Now, whether you have a private or public accountyou can add up to three collaborators to any post or reel.
Adding a contributor to your post or reel will help you reach more audience by also sharing your content with the audience of your collaborators.”
It should be noted the importance of the fact that all collaborators will have access to the information resulting from the publications, such as view counts, likes, shares, and more. This allows all creators to know the impact and interaction generated by its content, both in their community and in that of other collaborators.
It should be noted that for commercial profiles or professional content creators, paid associations should continue to be marked as suchusing the paid association tag process.
He process to add multiple collaborators it is quite simple. Once the user has finished editing their post or reel, they must press the button “Tag people” and then in “Invite collaborators”, where you can add two more collaborators (for a total of three). When the post or reel has been shared, invited contributors will receive a invitation notification and if accepted, the post will be visible to the audiences of all collaborators.
Photo: Depositphotos
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