Today’s highlights: Biden caught, gold could reach $4,000, Russia earns more with fertilizers
The keys of the day revolve  today around the case of Joe Biden, in which he has been caught with several batches of Documents, from when he left the vice presidency of the United States and before being president.
It is a case very similar to what happened to Donald Trump and therefore the prosecutor begins the investigation against the President of the United States himself and the Congress and announces that he is also beginning a process of information and investigation that could even end the forced resignation of Joe Biden.
Bitcoin, gold and also the euro are the main protagonists of the week and from which much is expected for the following week.
Bitcoin above $20,000, gold above 1900 and the euro appreciating very strongly against the dollar and the Swiss franc.
Various reports suggest that gold will reach $3,000 even $4,000 in 2023, due to the worldwide gold shortage.
While Russia has increased its fertilizer revenue by 70% in 2022 thanks to the increase in prices.
And of course the rise in food prices that is causing the reaction of the Spanish Government, but without measures to seriously reduce prices.
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