The president of Aena, Maurici Lucena, has attributed this Thursday the non-expansion of the Barcelona Airport – El Prat to a lack of “political leadership” on the part of the Government.
He said it this Thursday at the round table ‘Ibex: the challenge of leading the world market’ together with the executive president of Fluidra, Eloi Planes, and with the presentation of the mayor of Lleida, Miquel Pueyo, within the framework of the 34 Business Meeting to the Pirineu, which is held this Thursday and Friday in La Seu d’Urgell (Lleida).
Lucena has maintained that the Government of the Generalitat and the central government have agreed to “sit down and technically analyze the different options proposed” regarding the possible expansion of the airport, asked where he believes the infrastructure should grow.
He pointed out that Aena was “very clear that leadership had to be undertaken” in the face of the proposal to expand the El Prat airport to, according to him, prevent Madrid from being blamed for not carrying it out.
Likewise, he has criticized that “it is not necessary” for individualized airport management to be claimed from the territories because, according to him, airports are managed by combining territorial specificity with economies of scale.
Lucena has defended that, in 2022, Aena did “better than average because Spanish airports were the exception in a chaotic summer in airport operations.”
“In addition to making the right decisions, many were intelligible only from the leadership of the management,” said the president of Aena, who stressed that without the talent of the workers, it would not have been possible to offer a product like the one offered by Aena last year. past, in his words.
Finally, he has assured that the Aena system is “extremely efficient” and that it differs from other companies because it works in a network system, a system to which – he has said – his competitors have tended.