We are in the middle of 2025, living a stage of heyday in terms of technological advance, the development of AI, the use of social networks, automation in ecommerce … but, when we look at other issues such as female representation in labor areas traditionally perceived as “men's jobs” or his presence in leadership positionsthis supposed evolution is not so noticeable.
And if we start talking about how is one gender or another in certain situationsturn off and let's go. Although, expect, nothing to leave. Let's talk about the subject.
How to behave in work and events meetings so as not to be a cavernícola
In Marketing4commerce we like to inform and form, but today we will not explain what a sales funnel is or what the GEO consists of, but we are going to address another subject as equal to important for every professional in this sector and any other: respect and ways when dealing with people, regardless of their kind.
To do this, we have compiled a series of situations based on real experiences (and nothing pleasant) that women have once suffered in the workplace.
Greet everyone and do not force the forms
It is customary that to greet it is assumed that the woman must be given two kisses and that, among men, you have to shake hands. But it turns out that it is not like that! So If a woman puts her hand in front, you don't have to give her two kisses. If a woman puts her hand in front, it is so that, indeed, you give her hand.
In addition, we recommend that uniform your way of greeting. That is, if you greet them all men, do the same with women. There is no reason to make distinctions and, in a work environment in which there is no trust, it is most likely that most people are more comfortable.
Do not use diminutive to refer to your classmates or other professionals
When you know a person, one of the first data he gives you is his name. So if that person has told you that he is called Laura, CEO of a multinational, Do not use variations of your name to refer to it.
Why would you change the name of “Laurita” if the CEO of another company called Juan does not call him “Juanito”?
Comments on clothes and physical are not adequate
The appearance of a person is an absolutely private issueso the comments in this regard are completely inappropriate and disrespectful. The clothes that a person, its haircut, its constitution or if it uses makeup, are aspects that are aspects that They do not define anyone's value as a professional. And that is something we should have more than learned in the 21st century.
That said, remember that meetings and work events are not fashionable catwalks. If Manuel, who has been using the same American and the same shirt for the last 5 years to give presentations, you have never questioned him (or have not noticed), do not tell Cristina, who has used the same American in two followed events, which touches him “renew the outfit hehe.”
Do not do mensplaining
Your boss, your partner or that worker of another company with whom you have to collaborate are qualified professionals who have had them to do with a man who, even without being specialized in that area, has explained, in the most paternalistic way possible, how to do their job better. Don't be so.
We can all contribute new ideas or approaches to our team, but always from respect and humility. Again, remember: If you would not question the performance of a partner, do not do it with your partner.
Do not go to the team's men only
Many women have had to endure being ignored and eclipsed by the presence of a man when we interacted with another man. Needless to say, this is wrong and that the only thing that will do is negatively affect your work, since if you avoid establishing professional relationships or listening to your classmates, You will only be losing valuable contributions.
So you know, when you are dealing with your team or external professionals, Do not tell you exclusively to men. For example, if you meet Julia and Manolo in an event, managers of the same company, in which you are very interested, do not speak only to Manolo while you only look sideways at Laura.
Wait for your turn to talk and listen to your partners
This is another standard of basic education, but that ever is to review. Imagine that you are in the middle of a Brainstorming meeting with your creative team and Laura, one of your classmates, begins to expose your idea, but at that time Juan, another partner, starts talking above Laura, interrupting her. Isn't it right, not?
Now, let's go a step further, and imagine (which is not very difficult because, unfortunately, it happens very often) than Juan begins to say exactly the same idea as Laura And, when it is formulated by him, it becomes the most interesting, innovative, groundbreaking, the idea of the year! You all love and congratulate Juan.
As you can see, this situation is entirely unfair, so less interrupt and more attendthen we do not find out what Laura says. Because, that's why you didn't recognize your idea, right?
And here our representation of awkward situations that we are tired of enduring. Do not repeat these mistakes with your companionsor what is the same I know a good partner and that's it. For the education we have received, we may fall continuously in this type of behavior, but It is in each person to change and correct it Not to be good, that, a cavernícola.
Photo: Flux Schnell