Realia obtained an attributable net result of 58.14 million euros in the year 2022, 0.5% higher than that obtained in the same period of the previous year (57.86 million), as reported by the company to the Commission National Stock Market (CNMV).
The increase is due, they have explained from Realia, “to the improvement of the operating and financial result, as well as to the increase in the attribution of results for the acquisition of the participation in December 2021 of 37.11% in the company of Brothers Revilla”.
The company controlled by the Mexican magnate Carlos Slim achieved total income in the year of 135.19 million, with a reduction of 24.9% compared to the 180.07 million obtained in the same period of 2021. By areas of activity, heritage has invoiced 88.24 million (+7.9%) and promotions 42.56 million (-55.1%). Additionally, the group has obtained income from the provision of services and others amounting to 4.39 million (+24.4%).
On the other hand, operating expenses have reached 80.54 million with a decrease of 26.5% compared to 2021 (109.54 million) which is “mainly justified by the lower delivery of promotion units”.
Thus, Realia’s general expenses evolve favorably, reaching 4.54 million (-17.3%) compared to the same period in 2021 (5.49 million), due to “synergies produced in the functional reordering” of the Hermanos Revilla company .
The company’s gross operating profit (Ebitda) grew by 9.5%, standing at 74.41 million, compared to 67.98 million in 2021. In 2022, the group achieved positive Ebitda in all its activities ( promotion, heritage and services).
The impact of valuation of property assets (IAS 40) included in the financial statements, according to the valuation carried out by independent experts as of December 31, 2022, has led to a positive result of 11.56 million, compared to 38.07 million positive for the year 2021. “The valuations of property assets have been affected by the increase in interest rates that lead to an increase in the returns requested by investors,” they explained.
Lastly, the Realia Group placed its gross financial debt at 554.79 million as of December 31, 2022, compared to 627.43 million in the same period of 2021, 11.6% lower.
Regarding the forecasts for 2023, and “despite the difficulties of the current macroeconomic environment”, Realia considers that the activity of the Group in the short term is not compromised and, therefore, the application of the going concern principle.