The provinces of Ourense and Lugo are the most affected, and the compensation is close to 12 million so far this year in agriculture
Spring ended in Galicia with storm damage to a total of 4,556 plots, representing nearly 1,600 hectares, affecting fodder crops and vineyards, among others.
Agroseguro informs Europa Press of this, with data collected at the end of this season in which there were Galician producers affected by hail, rain, flooding and frost.
With regard to hail, the damaged plots in Galicia are 2,569, which translates into 420 hectares. Most of the surface corresponds to vineyards (206 hectares and 2,227 plots), mainly in Ourense.
The section on rain storms, floods and wind leaves damage on 659 plots and 670 hectares. Most of the affected area corresponds to fodder crops (397 hectares, mainly fodder corn in Lugo), potatoes (138 hectares, mostly in Ourense) and winter cereal (105 hectares, especially Ourense).
In addition, there are also occasional claims in plots of olive groves, cut flowers, red fruits, legumes, rapeseed and vineyards.
Added to this is the deterioration caused by frost: 482 plots and 186 hectares. They correspond to damages in Ourense vineyards.
The most affected provinces are Ourense (2,631 plots and 571 hectares) and Lugo (541 plots and 447 hectares). They are followed by Pontevedra (428 plots and 110 hectares) and A Coruña (110 plots and 147 hectares).
Likewise, for the rest of risks, damage has been received in another 846 plots and 318 damaged hectares in Galicia during the spring.
Beyond the storms, with regard to livestock, a total of 68,534 livestock claims have been attended to in Galicia –whether due to accidents, illnesses or withdrawal claims–.
In total, according to the information provided by Agroseguro, the compensation accumulated so far this year is already close to 12 million euros in Galician agriculture.
In this regard, the territorial director of Agroseguro for Galicia, José Bernardo, explained to Europa Press that “it is not normal in Galicia or in the rest of Spain” the storms that fell only on 15 days in June, which are “more than the entire summer from last year”.
Thus, it warns that “in addition, there is still summer, the usual time” for these storms. He perceives that in recent times the contracting of insurance at the state level has grown based on the accident rate derived from climate change and due to the increase in professionalism, with Galicia “in the same line”.
In this way, it points to a “continuous increase” in Galicia in insurance for vineyards and fodder crops. He also observes a high increase in livestock contracts, which grow at a rate of between 3% and 4% per year.