“The bags against all”. With Alberto Iturralde and Miguel Mendez
From the hand of Miguel Méndez and Alberto Iturralde we look at what is happening in the market and the situation of the stock markets.
They point out how “American CDS have risen due to the uncertainty of First Republic Bank, there are ghosts in banking again” and about the banking situation in Spain they point out how “it is heard that there are going to be bankruptcies, but you have to be very careful, the Spanish banking has nothing to do with it” and regarding the bank panic he highlights how “those who lose with the bank failures are the shareholders, not the depositories”
They also highlight how “the large investment banks say that you have to sell the European stock market” and how “those who say that you have to get out of equities are the ones who bought the titles of small investors in a panic”
#bolsa #mercado #iturralde #crisiseconomica #crisisbancaria #banca #magiadelabolsa #especulacion #inversion #oportunidadesdeinversión #negociostv #miguelmendez
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