The Government has announced that it will open the fourth call for the ‘Digital Kit’, which will have an initial budget of 100 million euros that can be expanded and will be intended to promote the digitization of agricultural cooperatives and professional societies.
Specifically, Red.es, an entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, will publish in the coming days in the Official State Gazette (BOE) this new call for aid for the digitization of communities of property, jointly-owned farms and professional societies and civil societies with commercial purposes.
These entities will be eligible for their digital voucher if they have fewer than 50 employees and, as in previous calls, the aid will be differentiated based on that data: Segment I (entities between 10 and less than 50 employees), Segment II (entities between three and less than 10 employees) and Segment III (entities between zero and less than three employees).
The call, which will appear in the BOE in the coming days, will detail the requirements to apply for aid, the obligations incurred by the beneficiaries, the maximum amounts of aid for each category of digitization solutions, justification, payment and control of the implementation of the solutions, among other important matters.
This fourth call has an initial budget of 100 million euros, expandable, and its purpose is to improve the competitiveness and level of digital maturity of these entities.
Communities of property, jointly-owned farms, professional civil societies and civil societies with commercial objectives may apply for these aids from September 12 at 11:00 a.m. through the electronic headquarters of Red.es (https://sede.red.gob.es).
The Government has specified that in order to be eligible, entities must be registered in the Census of entrepreneurs, professionals and retainers of the State Tax Administration Agency or in the equivalent census of the Foral Tax Administration, which must reflect the economic activity actually carried out on the date of application for the aid, and be at least six months old. The deadline for submitting applications will remain open until December 31, 2024.
The Ministry has indicated that to date, the Digital Kit program has granted more than 250,000 grants, which means that more than 1,200 million euros from the European ‘Next Generation EU’ funds have reached Spanish SMEs to implement basic digitization solutions.
Under the motto ‘zero paper’, Red.es has designed an innovative processing system using automated robotization and artificial intelligence tools that reduces the bureaucratic burden, decreases the number of documents to be submitted and shortens concession periods.
The company may request the aid without providing any documentation and it will be sufficient for the employer to authorize Red.es to consult ex officio the requirements and obligations required to obtain the status of beneficiary, safeguarding transparency and legal certainty.