The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Reyes Maroto, has assured this Tuesday in the Senate that “all the autonomous communities can approve their own laws regarding areas of promotion of economic initiatives, as long as their content is adjusted to the regulatory framework in force.
Maroto has made these statements in response to a question from the senator of the Aragonese Party (PAR), Clemente Sánchez-Garnica, about the regulation of the areas of promotion of economic initiatives, a model of public-private collaboration on which Aragon already has his own draft law, and which Maroto considers “innovative and especially interesting due to the diversity of functions that it allows to channel. However, for these economic areas to have good results, it is necessary for the private initiative and the local government to act in alignment”, he said.
In his speech, the PAR senator explained the reasons why in Aragon it is urgent to promote a legal framework for the sector. “The successive crises have been chaining obstacles to the incipient recovery of commercial activity to the point that numerous businesses have already closed and many others see their existence seriously threatened,” he argued. For cities, “the decline in urban economic activity has implications that go far beyond economics.” Therefore, “it is necessary to find management formulas that encourage local trade.”
It is in this context that Aragón has opted for a new sustainable management model for urban commercial areas, heir to the BIDs (Business Improvement Districts), “which constitute a first-rate public-private collaboration instrument for the creation, development and strengthening of the economic activity in urban environments, allowing a comprehensive management that promotes the competitiveness of the sector”, has pointed out Sánchez-Garnica.
The senator has transferred to the minister that, once certain legal aspects of this regulation have been saved, “it is necessary that the pertinent actions be carried out so that both Aragon and other communities can start up these areas.”
For his part, Reyes Maroto, has mentioned some of the aid that the Government has launched in recent years to support local trade, also in Aragon, and has announced an upcoming call for aid in which he will mobilize 104 million euros to invest in this sector.