Thus they buy online supermarkets the different Spanish generations

He Ecommerce in Spain is marked by a Generational division: According to the study “your pocket a day”, from Dia España, the 54% of young people purchase online motivated by discountswhile Those over 35 prioritize time savings and convenience. However, the most surprising fact is that Young people are the ones who buy least through digital channels: six out of ten make less than 50% of their online purchase, while almost half of Those over 55 are more than 70% of their purchase online.

This phenomenon raises A challenge for supermarkets and the retail sectorwhich must adapt their digital offer to attract young consumers without neglecting the needs of the most seniors. While children under 35 are looking for Exclusive offers and discountsolder consumers value more comfort and speed In your online purchases. But how does this affect loyalty strategies and the transformation of digital trade in Spain?

An increasingly digital senior customer

The growth of ecommerce feeding It is not homogeneous among generations. Although Young people are digital nativesThey still prefer the physical store to make the purchase. In contrast, consumers over 55 years have adopted the online purchase stronglyconsolidating as The most faithful customers of the digital channel. In fact, 10.6% of this group performs the entire purchase through the Internet.

Supermarket chains now face the challenge of Offer purchase experiences adapted to different generationscombining competitive prices, customization and flexibility. The key is to design strategies that allow each consumer profile to find value in the online purchase, either through discounts or services that facilitate planning and delivery.

Children under 35 prioritize discounts

He 53.9% of young people under 35 buy online motivated by offers. This generation uses promotional codes and coupons In 86% of their orders, which shows that The price remains the decisive factor For this client segment. Besides, 69.9% of children under 35, consider the cost of home shipping crucialan element that can stop its conversion to ecommerce if it is not managed competitively.

For Increase ecommerce penetration into the youngestbrands must bet on Attractive loyalty strategieslike the Discount clubspersonalized promotions and gamified experiences. An example of this is the Clubdiawhich offers exclusive discounts and promotions in its application, and initiatives such as the 'lucky roulette' to accumulate savings in the virtual wallet.

Other supermarkets like Carrefour, Gadis, Alcampo or Lidl They also have applications with exclusive and non -transferable coupons, in addition to accumulation of discounts on personal savings checks. Interestingly, one of the few supermarkets that do not have this type of incentives is Mercadonathat despite this is the one that leads in sales and popularity in Spain.

Those over 35 are looking for convenience and planning

Unlike the youngest, consumers over 35 years prioritize convenience. This group considers that online purchase allows them Save time and facilitate your day to daybecoming a more efficient solution in the face of the purchase in physical store.

In addition, the over 35 are the ones who spend the most in ecommerce: six out of ten allocate more than 100 euros in each purchase onlinea figure that contrasts with young people under 25, of which only 16% exceed that amount. This profile also stands out for the PURCHASING OF YOUR PURCHASESmostly performing them on Mondays to organize the meals of the week.

As for the most demanded products, Cleaning, drugstore and non -perishable products They dominate the online purchase basket. This reinforces the idea that digital consumers seek comfort and efficiencybetting on products that do not require manual selection or face -to -face review.

Fidelization clubs as a retention tool

The study also reveals that five out of ten consumers consider the price when choosing supermarketfigure that rises to 70% in the case of children under 35 years. Given this situation, Loyalty strategies play a fundamental role in customer retention In the digital environment.

He Clubdiafor example, has invested 175 million euros in offers for 2025allowing customers to save both in physical and online stores. In addition, through agreements with brands such as Endesa, Mapfre or Securitas Directcustomers can get even 500 euros of annual savings In your purchases.

Carrefour It also has an agreement with Iberdrola and with Cepsa To get discounts on check format savings for users who hire light and gas services with the Spanish company, or that load gasoline in the CEPSA terminals.

Main generational differences in online purchase preferences

If we segment the conclusions of the study by age groupswe find key differences in online purchase habits:

Z and millennial generation (under 35 years old): They prefer mobile applications To buy, they look discounts and promotionsand continue to use the physical store as their main channel.
Between 36 and 55 years: They prioritize the convenience and time savingsconsidering online purchase as a solution to its accelerated life rhythm.
Over 55 years: They are buyers more faithful to ecommercewith 43% making more than 70% of their online purchase and 10.6% performing it completely online.

The future of the ecommerce of food

The study confirms that Ecommerce continues to grow in Spainbut with marked generational differences. Young people have not yet adopted online purchase, which represents An opportunity for supermarkets They want to attract them with innovative fidelization offers and strategies.

On the other hand, consumers More seniors are promoting the growth of the digital channelindicating that the future of ecommerce in food will not only depend on technology, but also on the brands to adapt to the preferences of each generation.

Photo: Flux