The Alicante chain of cafeterias Vanadi Coffee will make its debut on the stock market next Thursday, July 20, at BME Growth. The starting price will be 3.28 euros per share, with a capitalization of 20.1 million euros.
This price coincides with that established in the valuation report carried out by Gesvalt prior to its incorporation into the market.
Thus, it is the first Spanish cafeteria chain to go public and the seventh to enter this market so far this year.
The company’s trading code will be ‘VANA’. The company’s registered advisor is Deloitte, while GVC Gaesco Valores will act as liquidity provider.
This business project was born in Alicante in November 2021 and is linked to healthy hospitality and adapted to new consumer demands, which proposes a restaurant model that “follows current customer trends”, as indicated by Vanadi Coffee in a statement. .
The CEO of Vanadi Coffee, Vicente Terol, has highlighted that the IPO is a sign of the “hard work and dedication of the entire company team.” “We are grateful for the support of investors and customers, who have been instrumental in our success so far, their loyalty drives us forward,” he stressed.
“The IPO represents a very significant milestone for us, as it provides us with new opportunities for growth and development. Thanks to this important step, we have managed to sign a financing agreement with an investment fund that will support us in the coming years. This agreement will allow us to access a total of ten million euros”, Terol has detailed.
Likewise, he specified that this alliance is “testimony of the confidence” that investors have in the vision of Vanadi Coffee, as well as in the “potential” of the company. “It provides us with a solid financial foundation that ensures the solvency and continued success of our business,” he said.
The company intends to offer products and services with a “high added value” perceived by the customer, such as affordable prices, quality product, technology and digitization, a ‘healthy’ approach, caring environments or innovation, in areas “to which the big brands they don’t pay much attention to them” and compete with traditional coffee shops.
The brand has indicated that its objective is to position itself with a large number of establishments in each town, so that it can reach those areas “normally little or nothing served by other brands in the sector.”
Currently, Vanadi Coffee has ten open cafeterias in Alicante and its business plan involves generating “rapid growth in strategic enclaves, first in Levante and later on a national level, in order to achieve a quick brand generation”. The company’s goal is to have 25 cafeterias open by the end of 2023.